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Computational Learning & Memory Neuroscience Lab

Our lab investigates the neural mechanisms underlying human learning & memory. For this, we take a combined approach to computational modeling, behavioral experiment, fMRI, and noninvasive neuromodulation such as transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS). Specifically, we pursue to (1) understand how functional brain network evolves as a process of learning ​using computational methods and (2) how learning could be modulated by TMS.

Depending on learning tasks, the nature of involved memory and learning mechanisms could be differentiated, e.g., declarative memory versus procedural memory and supervised learning vs. reinforcement learning.

In the future, our team plans to introduce MR-compatible TMS and focused ultrasonic stimulation (FUS) system for deep brain structure in CNIR to facilitate synergetic collaboration with the advanced MR imaging team.

We expect the concurrent TMS-fMRI experiment would further reveal causal relationships between brain networks and their implementing functions. Building on basic scientific findings, we may develop more efficient clinical protocols for neurorehabilitation of patients with stroke and Parkinson’s diseases.

For this translational research, we are collaborating with clinicians in Bundang Seoul National Hospital and Samsung Medical Center. Our laboratory located in Hanyang University is currently collaborating with the center for neuroscience imaging research (CNIR) in the Institute for Basic Sciences (IBS) funded by the Korean government.


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