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CLMN Lab members

Principal investigator


Sungshin Kim

Sungshin Kim graduated from Seoul National University with double majors in electrical engineering and chemical engineering. In 2013, he completed PhD degree in neuroscience at the University of Southern California, Los Angeles, USA. Since 2014, he has worked as a postdoctoral scholar at the University of Chicago and Northwestern University. He was selected as one of seven first recipients of YSF program (Young Scientists Fellowship) funded by Institute of Basic Sciences (IBS) in Korea. He started CLMN lab September, 2017. Now, he is an assistant professor at the Department of Cognitive Sciences at Hanyang University.

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Emily Yunha Shin

Emily Yunha Shin obtained a B.E. in Computer Media at Gachon University and an M.S. in Brain and Cognitive Science at Ewha Womans University. After graduation, she worked at Scatter Lab as a natural language processing (NLP) machine learning engineer and now has come to CLMN lab. Her current research interests are models
of learning and memory, and applying them to artificial intelligence.


Yera Choi

Yera Choi obtained a B.A. at Washington University in St. Louis, with double majors in Psychology and Economics and a minor in Art History and Archaeology. She obtained an M.S. in Neuroscience at Seoul National University and participated in various neuroimaging studies as a researcher. Her current research interests are focused on modeling human learning and memory with help from neuroimaging and neuromodulation techniques. She is also intrigued by translational approaches that may interweave findings from human- and machine-based research on learning.


Jisu Lee

Jisu Lee obtained a B.A. in Economics at Yonsei University and is currently pursuing a master’s degree in Economics. Her research experience has been concentrated on human decision making and game theory, and now she’s expanding her research interests to computational neuroscience and human behavior modeling. She has participated in several decision making studies in Yonsei CREATE(Center for Research in Experimental And Theoretical Economics) as a programming assistant, and is currently working on a reinforcement learning project which applies bayesian inference to a bandit arm task in 2-dimensional continuous space.


In-gyu Choi

In-gyu Choi obtained B.S in Mathematics and Psychology at Sungkyunkwan University(SKKU) and M.S in cognitive psychology at SKKU. He participated in Research Center for Psychiatry and Behavioral Science at Neuroscience Institute as a researcher, Gachon University. His current research interests are to figure out the learning mechanism and make computational models of the cognitive process.

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Kyusung Lim


Kyusung Lim graduated from Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST) with majors in physics. His PhD thesis is on statistical time-series analysis of stock and CDS markets. As of February 2019, he joined AI team in LG CNS. 


Hyeonjeong Lee

Hyeonjeong Lee obtained a B.A. in Psychology and an M.A. in Cognitive Psychology at Ajou University. She is intrigued by how people recognize, conceptualize, and utilize information from the world and their own activities. Her current research interests are memory, categorization and mental representation. Through research in these fields, she hopes to figure out the mechanism of cognitive development and impairment.

Ph.D. Students

Master Students


Jonghyuk Lim

Jonghyuk Lim obtained a B.S. in Electronics Engineering. He is interested in how people plan the movement to achieve their goals, and the brain regions which are related to the movement. Recently, he has planned to make an encoding model which  can explain the motor learning well by Reinforcement Learning, especially Deep Q-Network(DQN).


Seojin Yoon

Seojin Yoon obtained a B.S. in Computer Engineering and has years of experience as a software engineer. He focuses on how the brain works and how we simulate the brain activities in terms of Computational Neurosciences. His current research interest include a memory consolidation that a category of processes that stabilize a memory trace after its initial acquisition, and figuring out how people function.


Sunyoung Jung

Sunyoung Jung obtained a B.S. in Industrial Engineering and is a qualified engineer in Ergonomics. She focuses on why humans behave certain ways and how they arrive at their decisions in terms of Neuroscience and Cognitive Science. Her research interests include de novo learning that is an important new direction for studying skill learning, and applying transfer learning with TMS to figure out the underlying mechanisms behind learning.

Sungbeen Park

Sungbeen Park obtained a B.S. in Applied Physics at Hanyang Univ. ERICA campus and an M.S. in Computational Physics at Hanyang University. His main study was quantum phase transitions of various physical models in low temperature via matrix product states. Recently, he has planned to learn human motor controls and rehabilitations, also has been following rTMS protocols and human reinforcement learning in CLMN lab at present.

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